Female Autism Infographics

Female Autism Infographics to share for awareness and education. More Coming The following article is copyrighted and may not be posted anywhere without permission from the author.   For more information go to: http://www.aspiengirl.com http://www.taniamarshall.com To contact Tania regarding consultations, assessment, problem-solving strategies, Skype consultations, book distribution, interviews, book translations, publishing queries, please email her … Continue reading Female Autism Infographics

Label this and Say What?! Building a Strengths-Based Descriptive Model for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome

Say What?! Building a Strengths-Based Descriptive Model for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome So, what's in a word? The language and the words we use have power. Power to think about something in a certain way. It is time for a global revolution in the way we think about Asperger Syndrome. I believe it is time … Continue reading Label this and Say What?! Building a Strengths-Based Descriptive Model for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome

Moving Towards A Female Profile: The Unique Characteristics, Abilities and Talents of Young Girls and Teenagers with Asperger Syndrome or Autism

The following list is an official screening document consisting of the unique characteristics and traits of young girls and teenagers with Asperger Syndrome, or High Functioning Autism. This list comes from the many young females I have worked with over the years and currently work with. I have assessed, observed, diagnosed and worked with thousands … Continue reading Moving Towards A Female Profile: The Unique Characteristics, Abilities and Talents of Young Girls and Teenagers with Asperger Syndrome or Autism