Do Autistic or Neurodiverse people attract abusive and toxic people? Yes

Neurodivergent people are more susceptible to these types of toxic people then Neurotypical people. Having said that, neurotypical people find it challenging to associate and untangle themselves from these kinds of people. Neurodiverse people (whether male or female) have a unique combination of traits that can set them up for being open to being taken advantage of. Continue reading

Aspergers, Girls and the Social World: A Brief Look

I have mentioned previously in my work about what I refer to as a "Social Spectrum", meaning that all people have varying levels of preference or ability to socialize. In terms of Aspiens, I have found that, as a group, they also have a social range. I have met Aspiens who at one end, the … Continue reading Aspergers, Girls and the Social World: A Brief Look